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Jera's Jamboree

I’m an avid reader, loving nothing more than expanding my microcosmic world. I enjoy escaping into all sorts of worlds through reading and also love to challenge my opinions and thoughts.

The Angel Therapy Handbook - Doreen Virtue I downloaded this copy to review from NetGalley after being gifted The Angel Therapy Oracle deck for Christmas.

My experiences of services from spiritual/healers has led me to believe that the majority charge an exorbitant price for very little in return – the exchange of energies never balancing. I have a great deal of respect for Doreen Virtue for making this journey available for everyone at such a reasonable cost.

Doreen takes us on this healing journey in clear and precise writing, sharing her own experiences along the way. The exercises can be done by anyone and you don’t need to buy any further equipment to do them!

From the beginning of being introduced to the Archangels, Doreen explains the four clairs (and how to enhance those senses), how to open our 3rd eye and how to conduct an Angel reading (shortly after reading this part I had a dream vision where my angels connected me to a friend’s partner in spirit and I was able to give her information that has since helped her healing) . There is information and exercises on automatic writing, angel lights, numbers, etheric cord cutting ………….. in fact all the resources and support you need to make your own Angel Therapy healing journey.

I’ve read this through, made notes that are personal to me and dipped in and out again. It’s not a book that you will read through once and then discard (well, not if you’re serious about taking the journey!) It’s a book that you will dip in and out of at different stages of your journey and for different reasons. You will use it again and again. In my opinion it is a well worth addition to anyones spiritual bookshelf whether you are experienced with the angels or just starting out on your journey.